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Architecture and Rationality

It always bothered me that irrational ideas and thoughts are an acceptable thing in architectural communities, such as the golden ratio could provide an aesthetically pleasing appearance! we will get to that later, and the staircase direction should be anticlockwise even though there is no justification to do that, besides that some cultures consider it something that brings misfortune the story doesn’t end there, the ironic thing that some architect call out other architects ignorant if they don’t design by these arbitrary rules!

I think of architecture as the balance between the Rational and the Irrational, maybe you feel this statement is oddly familiar, but believe me, it’s not another way to say Bjarke’s Ingels shorted quota architecture is an art and science,

“In the big picture, architecture is the art and science of making sure that our cities and buildings fit with the way we want to live our lives.”

Usually, when we think of architecture as an art, works of architects like Zaha Hadid and Frank Gehry come to mind, and the work of the modernist in general as a science, hers is come the irony again my follow reader, work’s like Zaha’s and buildings that have been built with a deconstructive style are vary hard building to build and need a lot of search and engineering work sounds like we are talking about science, in the other hand modernist works built to be simple and efficient but we can't deny that some of their works can be described as an art, can you see it!? My follow reader the irony! or let us call it a contradiction, let’s try to look at this situation from a difference angle by using a difference word, the rationale is the way we can Judge if our irrational ideas sound make sense? Yes, No! … I can’t hear you but I will explain it anyway, in Zaha’s case she was irrational in the way she start her design more … “artistic” but she was rational in the way she jaded if this design is sound and I am pretty sure she had to make some compromisation with the engineers, FOCUS have I lost you my follow reader maybe you are wandering what in the hell I am talking about, wasn’t this article talking about irrational ideas! Exactly but the thing is, I was trying to tell you that I am not angst irrationality but we as architect should aim to achieve a balance between the rational and irrational.

Now you probably thinking but what about the golden ratio?

I am afraid you have to read the next article

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